
Photo: Andrew Gehl

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

this morning i was terribly grumpy because my alarm woke me up mid oe dream and i hated leaving such a good place and space in time.

but here is what happened:

i was in lincoln again only it didn't look like it but i still knew it was lincoln. there was one cabin instead of many, and each room had several bunkbeds. i went with my friend madelyn from hope, and the new oe crew had just arrived. they were having an orientation type thing and i remember watching from a second story window as they ran around in circles down below. they were very rambunctious. it felt a lot like summer camp actually - only all the parts of summer camp i hate - mostly stupid games and loudness.

it made my heart hurt because it didn't really feel like the oe anymore.

i also remember looking through the rooms with bunkbeds trying to find my friend lauren's bed who is gonig to the oe this year. i wanted to leave her a note telling her she was lovely. when i found her bed i realized it had all the same bedding as my bed has - even my stuffed seal named molly.

later, you all showed up and everything felt right again. i had an epiphany in my dream that i announced to everyone which was that what made oregon, oregon, wasn't the place, but the people. i felt at home again once everyone else showed up.

only, i remember saying it much more eloquently than that and feeling impressed with myself for my eloquence.

it's always a pleasure spending time with you all.


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